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Investment Planning

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At Wallstreet Financial Services, we understand that building wealth is not just a goal, but a journey.  Our investment services are designed to empower you to navigate this journey with confidence and clarity.  
Weather you're planning for retirement, saving for your children's education, or simply seeking to grow your wealth, we offer a diverse range of investment options tailored to your unique needs.

Tailored Investment Solutions

We believe that no two investors are alike. That's why we take the time to understand your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment timeline before recommending any products. Our team of experienced advisors will work closely with you to develop a personalized investment strategy that aligns with your aspirations.

Collective Investment Scheme

Often referred to as Unit Trusts, Collective Investment Schemes is an open-ended investment where consumers are invited to invest money in various portfolios.  The name is derived from where there are a few consumers that collectively invest in a said portfolio and the portfolio manager then takes the collective investment value and purchases shares and each investor then owns their collective portion of the portfolio and subsequent return. Collective Investments have a wide range of portfolios available and these portfolios have different risk profiles, which range from conservative, moderate, and aggressive. There are sub classes rated in-between as well.  It is important that the investor first understands the portfolio construction and risk profile of the various portfolios before investing as they are all invested in different assets. Collective Investments work on investing either regular contributions or a lump sum or a combination of both.


Collective Investments have become increasingly popular since they are easy to understand, transparent and well regulated by the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act. At Wallstreet Financial Services we work with Asset Managers such as NinetyOne, Allan Gray, Stanlib, Inn8Old Mutual Wealth, and Momentum Wealth

Endowment Products

Endowment products are structured investment products where there is a fixed investment period of 5 years or more.  Within the endowment product the investor has access to various investment portfolios that are available on the product providers platform.  The proceeds from this investment pays out tax free at the end of the term as the insurer pays the applicable taxes on behalf of the investor each year.


If the investor has a marginal tax rate of 30% or more, the endowment product helps reduce their applicable taxes on the investment returns.  With this said, for high income earners this product should be considered as part of your portfolio. Endowments work on investing either regular contributions or a lump sum or a combination of both. 

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