Life Insurance

Life Insurance
Having Life Insurance is a must for any person that is working and that has any debts and dependents. Life insurance can help your loved ones to not only maintain their standard of living when you are no longer there, but also is used to pay estate taxes. This is all done to protect your legacy when you are no longer there. Some reasons why life insurance is a must
Life Cover for your Dependents
(Actual or Financial)
While alive, you have certain obligations towards your spouse, children or even family members like your mom or father whom you assist financially every month. If something happened to you and you died, they would no longer be in the same position to continue with their standard of living they have become accustomed to. For this reason, Life Insurance is an absolute must to protect your legacy when you are no longer there.
Life Insurance for your Debts
One of the things we are always conscious of when helping clients plan for their estate needs is to do an analysis of their assets and liabilities and bequests (i.e leaving items to a spouse or children). We then calculate the total liabilities and the relevant estate costs including estate duty, conveyancing costs and capital gains tax which is often overlooked by clients.
How to Choose an Appropriate Provider
There are many great Financial Services Providers in South Africa, and it can be a bit daunting sometimes trying to navigate and make a decision. At Wallstreet Financial Services we offer you proposals with Liberty, Discovery, Old Mutual, Momentum, PPS or Brightrock and consult with you about their offering in more detail with you once we have done your financial needs analyses and consulted with you.