I wanted to take a moment to share something that a friend and I were speaking about the other day, that I believe can truly change your life, and that is changing your perspective!

As humans, we often pursue instant gratification, wanting to have the best of everything right now. We strive for the luxury vehicles, best and biggest television sets and multi-million-rand homes, but often forget that these things come at a premium. When you purchase these things, you are essentially renting them until they are paid off, paying a hefty instalment each month and interest to boot.
Why is it that we are willing to pay so much for these things, yet neglect to invest in something as important as insurance, which comes in many forms, like life insurance, disability insurance and critical illness.
By changing your perception, on how it works will change your entire world. Imagine it as renting/ paying a small premium each month to ensure that you leave your family with multimillion rands which is a sure way of ensuring that they too have a secured future, and that all your and their obligations are taken care of in the event that something happens to you.
Let me give an example, imagine paying R1’000 per month for Life Insurance of R3’500’000. Its a small installment you are paying towards a future lump sum investment for your family and children.
Change your perception on it and see it as a future investment that you are contributing towards for your family and children.

If you had to mortgage a house of R3.5 million, you would be paying an instalment of over R35’000 per month, and remember that its NOT yours until the mortgage is completely paid off.
Change your perception about insurance. It’s a contribution towards you and YOUR loved ones when the time comes.
By prioritizing our long-term security, we can truly transform our lives. I encourage you to take a step back and evaluate your priorities. Is it worth sacrificing your future for the sake of instant gratification?
I believe that by changing our perception, we can change the world around us. We can build a brighter future for ourselves and our loved ones. So let's make that change today. Let's invest in our future, and in turn, transform our lives for the better.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about life insurance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Your financial planning partner.